
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

My 30's

As I write this post, I am 33 years old, soon to be 34....... the last 2 years, I have begun a more proactive approach in finding answers to what is causing these terrible migraines.

Let me first start out by saying I have a lot to be grateful for. That however, is another post. I don't want anyone to think for a minute that I am being 'Debbie Downer'. I am merely using this blog to share my story in hopes that other people can help me, or the millions like me, to find answers.

The theory that my migraines were related to my period was starting to fall away as my migraines were becoming more frequent, and more intense. My doctor tried several different types of birth control and nothing was working. The depo provera shot was the worse decision I made. I had daily, intense, painful migraines for the ENTIRE 7 months that that shot was in my system. I will never do that again! I decided I now needed to accept the migraines as they came, so I just continued to take a oral birth control.

Life seemed to be more in balance. I was dating a great guy, I had my own business, I owned my own place, drove a nice car, had great friends, etc..... financially things could've been better but the economy was about to dive and I knew that would be an issue no matter what.

Here is where things get interesting: I decided that I would do whatever it took to get tests done or try anything anyone recommended just to say "been there, done that". I went to see a neurologist who recommended I get tested to see if I had PFO (a hold in the heart which many migraine sufferers have). I did that test and they said I had a minor, minor hole but that it wasn't sufficient enough to warrant concern. Next test was an MRI, they said they didn't see anything of concern there either. Next test was a sleeping test. They wanted to see if I was getting enough oxygen to my brain while I slept. Results were normal.

In the mean time I was getting acupuncture treatments which didn't seem to be working either. I spent I don't know how much money on these tests and treatments and nothing was making a difference and according to the doctors I was "healthy". I spend hundreds of dollars on vitamins and other natural remedy's to no avail. I would feel better after a 90 minute deep tissue massage but don't we all? And that is expensive to keep up.

Over the years I have tried every preventative medication on the market as well as relief medication such as Frova, Imitrex and maxalt. Maxalt helps sometimes, but sometimes I don't feel the effect until 6 hours after I've taken it and by that time it's 8:00 at night. I've tried oils as well.

Bottom line: I've tried almost everything in the book and now I am getting migraines about 6 days a week. I have charted my migraines over the past 10 months and will put that in a post too.


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